GMB fans issue the same complaint about Ed Balls as they fume Get rid

Owen Jones calls GMB’s Ed Balls ‘childish’

Good Morning Britain fans called for Ed Balls to be removed from the show following Monday’s instalment.

An explosive row broke out between Owen Jones and Ed as they discussed the Israel/Gaza war and the weekend’s protests after Owen claimed much of the media had refused to call Israel out on war crimes.

“So if you say it is Keir Stamer, Rishi Sunak and the whole media establishment including me and Susanna [Reid],” Ed began to argue.

“I didn’t talk about you two,” Owen replied during a debate on the ITV show. “I’m in the media too, so how would that make any sense?

“I said the vast majority of the media is supporting what Israel is doing and refusing to call out war crimes, that’s a fact.”

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“So intellectually second-rate,” Ed snapped before Owen hit back: “You’re so childish and not professional! You should grow up.”

Ed later spoke over Owen as he tried to argue once again.

“There are serious war crimes… the bombing of a hospital, three nurses yesterday killed by Israel attacks, northern Gaza has seen more than two Hiroshima bombs worth of bombs dropped,” Owen explained.

“Are we complicit?” Ed asked, to which Owen replied: “Most of the media -“

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“Are we?” Ed repeated again.

“Oh Ed, I’m not talking about you! I’m talking about the media in this country,” Owen fumed.

“We are part of the media so are you talking about us Owen?” Ed once again repeated.

“Ed, what is this bizarre game you’re trying to play?” the Guardian columnist asked.

Viewers fumed over the interaction, with many taking to X, formerly known as Twitter, to complain.

@b4jpg wrote: “Whatever your opinion is of Owen Jones, the way he was treated on #GMB this morning was disgusting… both presenters were out of order and damn right rude.” (sic)

@netty1985 fumed: “Ed Balls and GMB should be ashamed of themselves!!!!! Disgusting. Well done to this guy taking these lot on. #gmb.” (sic)

@debbyfield1 added: “Ed Balls is utterly appalling. The flippant attitude towards folks who express concern for the victims of Gaza is beneath contempt. A disgraceful piece of television.”

@netty1985 posted: “It’s kicking off! Get Ed Balls off man. It’s clear he’s not objective. Actually get them all off. #gmb.”

@mikey9t8t3 commented: “#gmb need to get rid of Ed Balls. He can’t present for s*** and he’s a childish debater. Well done to @OwenJones84 for holding his own.”

@Cupboardy123 penned: “Ed Balls has truly disgraced himself this morning falling out live on air with Owen Jones. Talking over him, insulting him and smirking like a school bully. Where’s Richard Madeley when you need him? #GMB.” (sic)

Some took the side of the presenter though, with @MikeRuddick writing “#GMB Please get that horrible impolite man Owen Jones off your show. He is not representative of anything we the viewers want to hear and his treatment of Ed Balls is despicable. Get rid of him now.”

Good Morning Britain airs weekdays from 6am on ITV.

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