Aadi lashes out as affair with Courtney, 40, is exposed to her husband in Corrie

The bistro in Coronation Street is the place to go if you’re after a bit of drama served with your delicious lunch.

Wednesday (September 13)’s episode dished up quite the feast as Dev (Jimmi Harkishin)’s lunch date with Darren Vance (Ryan Early) went just about as well as we were expecting – considering secret lovers Courtney (Stephanie Davis) and Aadi (Adam Hussain) were also present.

The meal was intended to celebrate Dev and Darren going into business together, so Aadi was invited because he’d helped to get the deal through. Amy (Elle Mulvaney) came along as Aadi’s plus one, meaning that there was another person around the table who knew what was going on between Courtney and Aadi and could cringe on behalf of the viewer at key points.

Prior to the meal Aadi had become annoyed when Dev referred to Amy as if she was his girlfriend, so he pretended he already had a girlfriend called Monica. At the lunch table Dev mentioned Monica, and Courtney told Aadi she was very intrigued to hear all about her.

Aadi launched into some high praise of his beautiful, intelligent girlfriend – with Courtney realising his words were directed at her. This lit a spark of passion in her and it wasn’t long before she was heading for the bistro’s bathroom, texting Aadi to join her.

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And that’s where Dev caught them, glued to each other’s faces. And, speaking of faces, Dev’s initial reaction was that Darren would rearrange Aadi’s if he knew that he was messing about with his wife.

Back at the table more tensions were rising as Darren revealed to the people who were still seated that he thought his wife was having an affair and he was determined to find out who with.

When Courtney returned to the table she confirmed she was, indeed, having an affair. ‘Makes us even,’ she snapped at Darren, who apparently hasn’t been a model of fidelity himself.

Courtney was feeling reckless and said that the person she was seeing was ‘hiding in plain sight.’ As Darren got drunk and threatened to ‘pulverise’ whoever it was, his wife had an additional clue. ‘He’s got great hair,’ she said as she flounced out.

Bernie (Jane Hazlegrove) had been getting suspicious that Dev’s interest in Courtney was more than just friendly and when she factored in Dev’s magnificent head of hair she put two and two together. Darren was one step ahead of her and was already lunging at Dev.

With his dad’s face at risk of being rearranged, Aadi had to speak up and reveal that he, not Dev, is Courtney’s secret lover.

Darren was so gobsmacked he didn’t even think of thumping him, merely muttered that he would spend the rest of his life stacking shelves for his old man.

Back at home, Aadi was putting a brave face on the whole situation and told Dev he thought he was in love with Courtney and would have a word with Darren and sort everything out. Dev – older, wiser and way more experienced in messy relationships – didn’t think it would be that easy. He despaired at how his son had managed to mess up his life and mess up a business deal which could have made all their lives more comfortable.

And then Courtney appeared. Darren had kicked her out so she’d rushed straight to her young boyfriend’s house.

Dev insisted she couldn’t stay with them even after Aadi had gallantly offered to give up his own bed for her. He told her to leave.

‘If she’s not welcome here then neither am I,’ Aadi said, making his dad choose between his business ambitions and his son. ‘I’m telling you straight, Dad – if she goes, I go! For good!

‘Who are you going to back – your son and his girlfriend or your good mate?’

Dev couldn’t cope with either the decision or the situation – so he walked out of his own house. He’s going to have to walk back in eventually, but will he be ready to face Aadi?

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