On this day: 24 years since Jack Straw exposed Britain’s security services

24 years ago (1999) We reported that Home Secretary Jack Straw had exposed Britain’s security services as an organisation that was out of control.

The spymasters of MI5 and MI6 faced tough sanctions after the full extent of Government ignorance over Soviet espionage emerged.

Mr Straw ordered an investigation after security services decided not to prosecute an elderly grandmother who passed nuclear secrets to the KGB.

41 years ago (1982) Princess Grace of Monaco died in a car crash near her home in Monte Carlo. Her daughter Princess Stephanie, who was in the passenger seat, sustained spinal injuries. The princess’s Rover plunged 100ft down a ravine after the brakes failed.

16 years ago (2007)  Northern Rock became the first victim of the financial crisis, sparking the first UK run on the banks for 150 years. An estimated £1billion was withdrawn by customers on the first day of the crisis. The bank was nationalised in 2009, bought by Virgin Money in 2012, and subsequently acquired by CYBG, the operator of Clydesdale and Yorkshire Banks.

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