I transformed my rusty drain in minutes with tomato sauce

I transformed my rusty drain in minutes with tomato sauce – and the cleaning hack also works on sinks, toilets and brass

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A mum has revealed how a $5 pantry staple is the no-fuss secret behind her perpetually sparkling bathroom drains.

The New Zealand woman didn’t know how to clean a stained drain covered in brown rust, so she decided to employ an unconventional solution.

The mum covered the bathroom fixture in tomato sauce and let it sit for a few hours before wiping it clean.

Drain stains are usually a build-up of mineral deposits left because water pools around the area then evaporates.

Acid from the tomato sauce helps break down the dirt and build-up – and can also be used on taps, sinks, and utensils.

A mum has revealed how a $5 pantry staple is the no-fuss secret behind her perpetually sparkling bathroom drains 

Drain stains are a build-up of mineral deposits left because water pools around the area then evaporates. Acid from the tomato sauce helps break down the dirt and build-up

The woman revealed photos of her success on social media for others who shared her struggle. 

‘Good old tomato sauce,’ she captioned the images. ‘Smear on, leave for few hours then wipe off.’

Many others have previously used the condiment on various items around their house, including to clean old, dull brass objects.

‘Tomato sauce is brilliant on brown water stains!’ another woman said, along with photos of her toilet.

‘No scrubbing. I hung a load of washing, then came back, and the brown rubbed off!’ she added. ‘I previously spent hours scrubbing with various chemicals and mitts to achieve this same result.’

Kirrilly, from Western Australia, was sick of spending hours scrubbing away at stubborn brown water stains that refused to lift 

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But others claim the hack didn’t work for them.

‘I tried tomato sauce for two days on my taps and it did nothing,’ one said.  

‘I have tried numerous times to remove mine because my drain is really mouldy but I can’t get it out,’ another wrote.

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