Hilarious photographs capture the moment JUST before disaster struck

Seconds from disaster! Photos taken just moments before a mishap reveal how quickly things can go wrong

  • People from across the world shared snaps of moments before disaster struck
  • READ MORE: Hilarious photos reveal clueless people making silly mistakes

We’ve all had that feeling when we think something terrible is about to happen – but at the same time we’re powerless to stop it.

Sometimes the feeling emerges from the pit of your stomach, while other times you can spot danger quite literally staring ahead.

Bored Panda has collated images from around the world that capture the very moment before a mishap, and they’re guaranteed to leave you in stitches.

These unfortunate people – and sometimes pets – came within just an inch of a catastrophe, and were are powerless to stop it.

In one hilarious image, a pesky puppy sneakily grabbed hold of a woman’s bikini tie and appeared intent on undressing her. 

Turn around before it’s too late! This pesky puppy appears intent on undressing an unsuspecting woman

Wheely bad luck! The wheels quite literally came off for this unfortunate biker 

Elsewhere, a toddler was snapped mid air right before he went tumbling backwards off of his training bike, while his father looked on in shock.

The animal kingdom is rife with peril, and one cheeky crow risked death by nipping a young lion on the tail with its beak.

And after an earthquake in Taiwan a homeowner was left with a predicament over whether or not to open the cupboard, where all the dishes had fallen between the glass door and the shelf and would inevitably smash.  

There he goes! This poor toddler was snapped mid air before taking an awkward – and we predict painful – tumble backwards

Bored Panda has collated images from around the world that capture the very moment before something frightening happens, and they’re guaranteed to leave you in stitches – including this image which sees a lorry-load of items about to fall off the vehicle

Awkward! For this unsuspecting gentleman, the fun will perhaps be over once the tide comes in

Beaky blinder! A brave bird is ready to risk it all by cheekily nipping a young lion on the tail 

Put the phone down! A man at a bull run was probably going to regret taking that phone call  

Watch out! This driver was moments away fromt the portable toilets he was carrying crash into a bridge, and it would not have been a nice experience for the person in the convertible behind either

Don’t open that cupboard!  A homeowner in Taiwan revealed a smashing situation which occurred during an earthquake 

Brian’s a very naughty boy! His mother was in for quite a wild ride after eating his stash of brownies, which contained a lot more than sugar, flour and eggs 

Who needs health and safety! This precariously placed ladder is enough to give anyone nightmares 

Mind your step! Runners in Florida are urged to stay out of the road, but an approaching vehicle might be the least of their worries 

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