{"id":134009,"date":"2023-11-16T21:04:29","date_gmt":"2023-11-16T21:04:29","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/bluemull.com\/?p=134009"},"modified":"2023-11-16T21:04:29","modified_gmt":"2023-11-16T21:04:29","slug":"daily-guide-to-what-the-stars-have-in-store-november-17-2023","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/bluemull.com\/lifestyle\/daily-guide-to-what-the-stars-have-in-store-november-17-2023\/","title":{"rendered":"Daily guide to what the stars have in store – November 17, 2023"},"content":{"rendered":"

Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – November 17, 2023<\/h1>\n

Today it’s Children In Need, the BBC’s annual charity drive. But we don’t need to spend the evening on the sofa, being entertained, in order to invest in other people’s wellbeing.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Encouraged by the weekend’s Sun\/Mars convergence, plus the planet of love’s link with the power planet, the cosmos inspires us to be more caring, and more sharing.<\/span><\/p>\n

We can find creative ways to take action, no matter where we are.<\/span><\/p>\n


March 21 – April 20<\/span><\/p>\n

Somewhere in your world, a barrier is being lifted, or a blockage removed. Where you’ve been encountering an exasperating, frustrating response, you’re about to be met with a more reasonable reaction. Your strongarm tactics can be set aside in favour of a gentler approach. Does this all sound too good to be true? Or does the news secretly make you feel a bit disappointed? Are you going to miss some of the drama and excitement? Don’t worry! You’ll be free to explore new experiences. The ones coming your way look fun.<\/p>\n

Success is about attitude and timing. Your in-depth forecasts show the way to positive change. Visit cainer.com<\/span><\/p>\n


It’s Children In Need tonight, the BBC’s annual charity drive, but Oscar Cainer (pictured) reminds us that we don’t need to spend the evening on the sofa, being entertained, in order to invest in other people’s wellbeing<\/p>\n


April 21 – May 21<\/span><\/p>\n

How would we ever know where we were going without Google maps? Yet although satnav is a relatively recent human invention, other species have been using it for thousands of years. Like birds. And salmon. Maybe, like these creatures, we used to instinctively know how to get from A to B, but have forgotten how to access those skills. We get so reliant on our modern technology and lifestyles that sometimes, in the process, older, wiser, values get ignored. This weekend, delete the distractions and focus on what matters.<\/p>\n

You’ve got lots to look forward to. The inspiration you need is in your in-depth forecasts at cainer.com<\/span><\/p>\n


May 22 – June 22<\/span><\/p>\n

Sometimes it’s good (even essential) to be selfless. At others, it’s reasonable (even necessary) to be selfish. When we’re consistently putting other people’s needs before our own, we need to ask ourselves why we’re doing what we’re doing. It often derives from an unconscious desire to seek affirmation, or win approval. Of course, we need to be aware of other folks’ problems. But it’s in no one’s interest to allow the wants of others to take precedence over their own. This weekend, put yourself first. You deserve it.<\/p>\n

Knowledge is power. Find out how to take full advantage of your astrological assets at cainer.com<\/span><\/p>\n


June 23 – July 23<\/span><\/p>\n

We try to exert our influence over ‘uncontrollable’ situations. No one likes being out of control. Yet nothing stays the same. And that applies to the aspects of our lives that we love (as well as those we find challenging). This weekend, you’ve got the power to alter a situation. You just need to accept there are elements that can’t be forced. Appreciate the moments of delight (when you can mould it into the shape you want) knowing that over time, it will shift into another shape. You’ll be able to deal with it whatever happens.<\/p>\n

What’s in the sky for you? Helpful planetary alignments! For good news, see your in-depth forecasts at cainer.com<\/span><\/p>\n


July 24 – August 23<\/span><\/p>\n

You’re not making progress as fast as you’d like. Although you’re doing everything within your power to change something, issues (that need your attention) keep unexpectedly popping up. And they’re slowing the entire process down. No wonder you’re feeling frustrated. Just because this weekend doesn’t bring the huge shift you’d like, doesn’t mean you can’t take a significant step forward. As your ruler conjoins with Mars, you’ll see why the change you’re desperate to create isn’t as difficult (or urgent) as you think.<\/p>\n

Make the most of your opportunities. Your in-depth forecast have inspiring news at cainer.com<\/span><\/p>\n


August 24 – September 23<\/span><\/p>\n

You’re struggling to understand something. The problem, is that everyone assumes that you know what’s going on. And they’re looking to you for guidance\/leadership. It’s an uncomfortable sensation, which is making you feel even more uncertain and insecure. But your lack of understanding is based on a lack of knowledge. You don’t possess all the facts. This weekend brings an opportunity to make some subtle enquiries. Once you know more, you’ll be able to guide everyone in the right direction. It’s epiphany time.<\/p>\n

Transform your life! To move forwards in a positive direction, there’s good news when you visit cainer.com<\/span><\/p>\n


September 24 – October 23<\/span><\/p>\n

An upcoming decision has got you in such a spin that you’re struggling to focus on anything else. I know… making choices isn’t your strong point. You always try to look at things from every angle; which means you make wise decisions (but not fast decisions). This weekend, as your ruler, Venus, links with dynamic Mars, you’ll feel more empowered and energised. There’s a different perspective, which when you find it, will make everything fall into place. You’ve done enough thinking. When you get going, you’ll be in the flow.<\/p>\n

For advice to guide you through the twists and turns ahead, see your in-depth forecasts at cainer.com<\/span><\/p>\n


October 24 – November 22<\/span><\/p>\n

You’re not entirely happy about everything that’s occurring. And you’re trying to avoid having to talk to someone about one particular aspect of what’s not working. But even though the conversation might be slightly uncomfortable, not only do you need to share your thoughts, you need to hear theirs. By overcoming your reluctance to communicate with them, you’ll open up a channel of potential. It will enable you to find ways to rectify a problem. It might even reveal a way to work together, in a way that works brilliantly for you.<\/p>\n

How can you stay focused and happy? Your in-depth forecasts hold the advice you need. cainer.com<\/span><\/p>\n


Encouraged by the weekend’s Sun\/ Mars (pictured) convergence, plus the planet of love’s link with the power planet, the cosmos inspires us to be more caring, and more sharing<\/p>\n


November 23 – December 21<\/span><\/p>\n

Most people watch TV. Most people like pizza. Most people like the seaside. But just because ‘most people’ do something doesn’t make it right. Of course, there are rules we know are ‘right’ to follow: like eating 5-a-day, drinking water, and paying tax. But when it comes to our likes and preferences, there are no rights and wrongs. Doing what everybody else is doing might be easier, but it doesn’t nurture originality. Or ingenuity. Don’t forget that you’re one-of-a-kind. Feel free to celebrate your individuality this weekend.<\/p>\n

For excellent advice to guide you through the twists and turns ahead. cainer.com<\/span><\/p>\n


December 22 – January 20<\/span><\/p>\n

If there’s a strong wind blowing, you have various options. You can stay home, in a draught-free zone. Or you can go with it, and see where it takes you. Being a ‘doing’ kind of a person, you’re more inclined to take the second option. But sometimes, doing nothing has its advantages. Action requires energy. And since you’ve got lots of that this weekend, if you really want to prevent a change from taking place, you’ll be partially successful. But taking the gentler option could lead to an insight that changes everything.<\/p>\n

There’s no need to worry. All you need is some guidance. Your in-depth forecasts can help at cainer.com<\/span><\/p>\n


January 21 – February 19<\/span><\/p>\n

And have a lovely weekend! I’m starting your forecast in reverse to demonstrate the fact that various parts of your world seem back-to-front. This weekend, you’re going to need to be clear about your intentions if you’re going to move forwards. This is an opportunity to reassess and reevaluate, and, if you take it, you’ll be able to adjust your thoughts and find a way to put an old problem to bed. Once that’s achieved, you’ll find it much easier to identify a path forward that leads in the right direction, towards a satisfying future.<\/p>\n

What does your heart desire and how can you achieve what you really want? See your in-depth forecasts at cainer.com<\/span><\/p>\n


February 20 – March 20<\/span><\/p>\n

You might not feel particularly psychic, but like every other human, you’ve got the ability to see what lies ahead. It’s just that (like most other folk) it’s easy to get confused by what you perceive. This weekend, though, with your ruler, Neptune, in an influential position, the planets combine to give you a clear glimpse of what’s in store. If you think of something that makes you feel uncertain discard it immediately. Focus on anything that feels hopeful and inspiring. With positive thinking, you can start creating the future you want.<\/p>\n

Curious to know more? There’s always valuable news in your in-depth forecasts at cainer.com<\/span><\/p>\n

Source: Read Full Article<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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